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25 December.. Do you think something special should be on this day..!! yes of-course.. why not... As we all know its celebrated as Christmas Day all over the world. On this day God Jesus have born. On this day people used to enjoy and spend time with their friends and families... People go for lunch, coffee, or dinner in a multi-stared restaurants with their loved once... They spend a lots of money in eating, shopping, watching movies in theaters.. People plan a trip and have lots of fun over there...

            It's good to spend time with your loved once.. After-all we all eagerly wait for festivals.. Festivals brings widely dispersed people together at one place, not for always but at  least for some time. That's why festivals are helpful in maintaining the relationship and building affection and bonding with our loved once... On festivals family members come together and share happiness with each others....

       In short, I can say festivals help in maintaining human relationship all across the globe. It brings a blissful weather for people.... But some people still remains untouched with this joy of festivals... Do you know who are they? Have you ever seen the old man suffering from cold in the street?  Have you ever seen the women who have no one to take care of her?? Have you ever seen a child picking garbage?? Have you ever seen a baby dying from hunger, an old shivering of cold.?..

Some of you might have not seen these kind of unnerving events but I thought most of you have seen. So my question is for those who are familiar with these phenomena.. Do we ever thought this once, what is the significance of this festival for these people who are living in such a miserable conditions without access of basic amenities.?.

What will happen if we will give one of our meal to them, one of our dress to them, one of our smile to them, spread some love to them,.. As we are having all these in abundance..

Think and Act..

-Shalini Pandey


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