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Exam time is always followed with stress in a students life. But this was not the case this time. Actually we were planning to watch Tamasha movie since its release, but unfortunately couldn't make it. So today we plan for watching this movie, though I was not sure whether we will go or not.
I was sleeping till 12 O'clock noon, than my friend wake me up and told we have to go for 12:55 pm show. I than wake up, I performed daily morning task in noon. Than we went for the movie though we were having outing time from 4-6 pm. But we broke the rule (as rules are ment to be broken), I covered my face with stole and we came out from our jail cum hostel. I have covered my face but my friend didn't, as she didn't like to compromise with her looks. So, I was bit afraid of seeing by hostel warden or any other staff. But nothing like this happen. We reach at 1 pm at inox. We got the ticket @75/ticket, as it was Wednesday. We rush towards escilator because we thought we are late. In excitement, my friend slipped near escelator stairs, But immediately she came up and we reached inside theater.
Movie was about to start so we took a long breath and thanks god for being on time. Movie was awesome. It truely represent how each human being is running in a race without knowing his/her real interest.
We enjoyed the movie and feel that we are hungry. Next we planned to have food in a restaurant called "Goverdhan thal" near Udaipol railway station. We took a personal auto @50 after negotiation. When we reached to our destination, we pay money. One intersting thing happens. My friend pays a thanks  to auto driver with this blessing "may your child stood first in the class". It was random and bring smile on face of autowala. As we came near to the gate of restaurant, one restaurant guy open the gate for us, we feel special. We went inside the restaurant and have meal.
Than we came back to jail cum hostel and after taking rest prepared ourselves to study.
And one more beautiful day of my life passed on.

-Shalini Pandey


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