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Art of Being Non Judgemental

Its human nature that we had certain pre conceived notions (PCN) about an individual no matter how much time we spend with each other, how much we know about his/her life. These pre conceived notions hinders a free interaction b/w human beings. Either you or me, we all have certain PCN about one or another person. These PCNs about an individual are formed gradually either by listening from other about his/him or by our incomplete observation or interaction about that individual. These PCN are great barrier to make new relationship. 
Whenever we start a new relationship (apart from family ties) we categorize that individual as per some criteria in our mind.  Than we judge that individual from that parameters and come out with conclusion that person is bad, proudy, egoistic, drunker, smoker, and bla blaa blaa.

As per my life experience, each of person with whom I spend some quality time, shared some experiences or moments is very close to my heart. Though I am bit novice in showing my feeling of love and care with the help of words, still some person who had got a chance to work with me or had shared some common moments will be able to understand my feeling of love and care. It's very difficult to be good for everyone everytime. It's also difficult to be good for one all the time because of human temperaments. We all are human and off course we all are imperfect and we all are dependent on each other for one or another things. Some of us are good at something and others are good at other things; Hereby we creates a balance in our journey of life. Every individual is unique and has different strengthes and weaknesses. 

Every individual is product of situations, circumstances and experiences which one have throughout journey of life. What we needed is before pointing someone, we need to learn good things from others and try to inculcate in ourself. If we will continuously work for self improvement,  we will be able to enjoy live with less complains. Life is too short for making complains, jealousy, fighting, back bitching, being envious and covetous. We always have to focus on positively than only we will be able to love others. I always try to love and accept people as they are and this way a healthy relationship develops.

-Shalini Pandey


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