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A way towards PEACE

Most people live whether physically, intellectually or morally- in a very restricted circle of their potential being. We all have reservoir of life to drew upon of which we do not dream.
                         - William James

In the book entitled "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" by Robin Sharma, the great sages of Shivana told a feble to Julian. Julian was a famous law practitioner, who got heart attack in the middle of court room due to the hyper- competitive legal professional world. Then he took retirement from his legal world and he went to the Sages of Sivana in order to find out peace. The great Yogi Raman told a feble to Julian Mental.

In that feble, he told about a garden, which was a symbol for the human mind.
The sages of Shivana told certain benefitial things like which I would like to share:

If you care about your mind, if you nurture it and if you cultivate it like a fertile, rich garden, it will blossom far beyond your expectations. But if you let the weed take root,lasting peace of mind and deep inner harmony will always elude you.
Look at the toxic waste that most people put into the fertile garden of their minds every single days: the worries and anxieties, the fretting about the past, the brooding over the future and those self-created fears that wreak havoc within your inner world. In the native language of the Sages of Sivana, the written character for worry is strikingly similar to the character symbolizing a funeral pyre. Worry drains the mind of much of its power and, sooner or later, it injures the soul.

To live the life to the fullest, you must stand guard at the gate of your garden and let only the very best information enter. You can not afford the luxury of a negative thought- not even one. We all come from the same universal source. However, the ones who do more than just exist, the one who fan the flames of their human potential and truely savor the magical dance of life do different things than those whose life are ordinary.

The sages taught Julian that on an average day the average person runs about sixty thousand thoughts through her mind. What really amazing was, that ninty five percent of those thoughts were the same as the once you thought a day before.

This is the tyranny of impoverished thinking. Those people who think the same thought every day, most of them negative, have fallen into bad mental habits. Rather than focusing on all the good in their lives and thinking of ways to make things even better,they are captives of their past. Those who run their mind in  this fashion are allowing worry to rob them of their life force. They are blocking the enormous potential of their minds to work magic and deliver into their lives all that they want emotionally, physically and even spiritually. These people never realize that mind management is the essence of life management.

These things are truely relevant in present day life, which is full of worries and anxieties. So friend.s, it is up to you what kind of life you wants.??


  1. Nice dear..keep writing and sharing ur wonderful thought

  2. Nice dear..keep writing and sharing ur wonderful thought


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